FECAFOOT President, Tombi A Roko Sidiki
The president of Fecafoot today appointed members to work with him in the Cameroon Footbal Federation.Following are heads of Commission appointed by Tombi:
David Mayebi (Marketing, Promotion and Media)
Essomba Eyenga (Finance Committee)
MOUTHE Bidias A (Fair Play and Social Responsibility)
Hon. Bapoh Lipoh and Geremi Njitap (Player status)
Francis Mveng (Sports Medicine)
Koa Luc (Infrastructure and Equipment)
Charles Nguini (Legal)
Souleymanou Konaté (Arbitration)
Abbo Mohamadou (Cameroon Cup)
Boubakari Bello and Pierre Batamak (national and international competitions),
Alim Aboubakar Konaté (Passations des marchés)
It is vital to note that no Anglophone features in the list above something many see as a clear sign of discrimination against Anglophones.