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I did not date Cabel - Tiger Dynasty

Tiger Dynasty

Sun, 15 Mar 2015 Source:

Tiger Dynasty is one of the hardworking artistes in the music industry thus he received the Canal d’or best Sapper. Only that some were quick to assume an intimate relationship with the female artiste Cabel.

Today, Dynasty finally set the story right. He also took the opportunity to talk about his collaboration with the X-Maleya group.

Q: Without being broadcasted on foreign channels and with the limited means of promotion, you have managed the feat of making yourself popular among the general public. Your songs are becoming a hit and the public are asking for more. What is the secret of this success?

A: Let me begin by saying a big thank you to all those fans who did not let me down during my early years. You know, to build a house, there are steps to follow. You buy a land, you lay a good foundation, and lift up the walls.

Today many young people are a little too in a hurry; they have been pressured with “they say” and want to shine at all costs. I am not one of those. I worked hard for several years to develop my profession. I even went through several reality competitions including Star 2 demain, the national competition of the music of Brasseries of Cameroon and I followed the footsteps of the elderly. I will have to spare you the details. I can only thank God because He kept me in hope and blessed me. Now it is up to you media people to push us further. The experience has always proved that those who advance slowly, eventually reach the height we never imagined. Dynasty did not take shot cuts.

Q: The collaboration between XM Music and Dynasty The Tiger is slowly taking place. Tell us more.

A: it’s a necessary to admit that other countries are ahead of us musically and I know for a fact because I am in that field. This is because most artistes do not let go of their ego and end up not breaking through internationally. The attitude of selfishness is still very present, and it is due to this individualism, doubled wickedness, that reduces us to mediocrity and the status quo. Unfortunately we are not advanced as a result.

Everyone prefers to stay in the corner playing superstars, forgetting that nothing is forever. Even if you sing like Michael Jackson, don’t deceive yourself; unity brings strength. Fortunately, some older ones understand that. The ideal is of course to share the same vision, the same spirit. Dynasty is a hard worker, so I accept featuring with hard workers. I must admit it’s the X-Maleya group who humbly contacted Dynasty Tiger for collaboration. I was really touched by this solicitation. They told me long ago, it came to reality and it is a win for Cameroon. I am very proud to work with them because they are models.

Q: Does the collaboration with X-Maleya not put your projects to a standby?

A: I’m working on my next album in the studio as at now. So the work with X-Maleya is not a bother.

Q: We can not complete this interview without having the heart net. We are aware Dynasty collaborated with artiste Cabel, but then we have seen nothing. What has happened? Was the song managed improperly and was promoted? And above all, is it true that this is due to your separation because it was rumored you had something going?

A: (He takes his time, and finally laughs) It's great that people can imagine. In short, for me, Cameroonian Cabel is an artiste who has goals, I have mine. She asked me for collaboration which was recorded in the studio. Up until now she never called me to inform me on the progress. So I think since she never called I conclude it was not meant to be released. Thus to me, the most important thing is to have participated in that project.

However, the most important thing for me is to have lent a hand in the project. In terms of a so-called relationship, I never had a relationship with Cabel, at least not in your way.

Before and after, Cabel I've always had collaborations. I just mentioned X-Maleya. There was one also Ob Jazz, one with Michael Kieussou. They each manage their project. I only come halfway through.
