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I really thank everyone for the support I had at Miss World - Larissa Ngangoum

Larissa Ngangoum

Mon, 26 Jan 2015 Source:

Generosity and unwavering dynamism of Miss Cameroon 2014, Larissa Ngangoum earned her the reputation of Miss big heart at the Miss World competition which was held a month ago! After returning from the Miss World competition, she agreed we discuss her course and accomplishment of her many projects.

Being full, Larissa evokes what happened at the event and more with us.

Q: Miss Cameroon Happy New Year! What do you want to mark the New Year with for KamerMoov readers?

A: I wish them much happiness, prosperity, health and of course a lot of success.

Q: You recently came back from a long trip to Europe what did you go to do there?

A: Yes, I was in Europe precisely London where I went to represent Cameroon for the Miss World Pageant. It was super fun.

Q: You therefore boarded a first class aircraft for the competition? By the way I hope you did not perform Ntcham there?

A: Yes but not physically. I was surrounded by white so it had to. We fought better to represent our country.

Q: How did you do then in London? Competition has increased how?

A: I did well. I must say that we were a total of 121 candidates. So, you can understand that the competition was hard, really hard. But I think I did a good competition because one of my goals was to raise the name of the Cameroon internationally of which I think I did well. You really have to applaud Cameroonians this time because they really voted online. And in the category of People's Choice, Cameroon was in 14th position so it is something that matters a lot. I really thank everyone for this support I received in London.

Q: How was your return back home like? Were you greeted at the airport with bouquets of flowers? Or were there other ways?

A: (Laughs) Yes, I 'm back as we say back home and it was so cool. I want to say that after the competition, I made a trip to Paris to rest and visit a few places because I had not yet gone. I was back to Cameroon just before Christmas. I kept smiles, hugs and gratitude to those who supported me. And of course, I did a tour where I grew up in the Quarry to see these mbindi (children) who follow me and look at me as an example and gave those tips during those many Christmas parties!

Q: Mama you have travelled a lot between the United States, London, Paris, etc. Do you travel for pleasure?

A: Yes; if you can travel, you travel! If it is to represent Cameroon, that is what we will do. So this is just fun and it's really a great joy to be able to do!

Q: So that means there is a lot for Larissa to do?

A: I do not! Larissa does not have much to do. Unfortunately as you may know, the Miss Cameroon Committee is not supported! So Larissa works by taxi and does what she must do as a must. She pays her taxi fare every day like everyone else and does what she has to do.

Q: Ok! We know you go into the schools to meet your Cameroonian children and talk with them face to face on various problems that undermine our country and you even include counseling them.

A: These children need to be talked to. Today I am pleased to say that thanks to the crown I wear, they listen to me; I have become an example for them. Of course, I talk about the importance of education because without education, we are almost nothing in this life. I use myself as an example. Prior to Miss Cameroon, I am first of all 4th year student studying Pharmacy. So my goal is to finish my studies and later establish my own pharmaceutical company in my beloved country. I must say that I come from a very humble family, and I did not choose the easy way to achieve my goals. So I encourage and motivate them to continue their studies to get good grades in order to obtain diplomas and work better for our country.

Q: Where would you put up the pharmaceutical company and will the medicines be free?

A: Somewhere here in Yaoundé! Free how my brother? If the products are free how will I survive? All these years of study, it is necessary that I make ends meet. By cons, it will be affordable products to the people of Cameroon and Up to date, which is really important to me!

Q: There have been news about the attack on the Far North Cameroon by the Boko Haram. What have you to say in relation to the situation there?

A: This is a situation that touches me deeply especially for all our northern Cameroon brothers who suffer from this sad situation. I really want to give a nod to all our soldiers who are there to defend us and fight for our well being, our security. Congratulations to them! We must support our government in order to fight against this sect and to pray together for the situation to improve in the coming days why not! Let our northern brothers know that we are with them in our hearts, even as we are not in the same place.

Q: We leave no transition from fear, the fear of losing this legendary peace, the joy of African football because the other news is the Africa Cup of Nations. What do you think about the Lions as compared to that?

A: I really have faith and trust in the lions this time because they have shown us in recent times they have something and it's worth to follow them. We will stay all behind the lions! Support our lions, to encourage them to bring the trophy to Cameroon.

Q: Miss Cameroon has already been launched. Is it that you are in a hurry to let down your crown?

A: No, leave my crown, why? I already told you it's a great experience so I have another six months to work hard on my projects and be a model for the Cameroonian youth. And now, the regional selections have begun. On 31 January, we will be at Northern side to choose Miss Far North, North and Adamawa. You should be present if you think you have what it takes to introduce you.

Q: What is Larissa’s favourite music?

A: Right now my favorite music is ‘Ekondo’!

Q: And your favorite meal?

A: I have several but one must choose one, I would say ‘Taro’ especially ‘Bamiléké’.

Q: And your last words?

A: Thank you to all those who supported me, thank you to the dear Cameroonians who were behind me in London and I hope to continue to have that support in order to continue to represent Cameroon. Thank you so much to my family, to all those who work at COMICA (Organizing Committee Miss Cameroon, Editor's note). May God always keep you!
