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Music and I met like a man meeting his wife in a train - Numerica


Tue, 21 Apr 2015 Source:

Cameroonian singer, Numerica was outdoored to the public in 2012 with his debut single ‘Vas-Y Molo’ and later in 2013 with ‘Il Faut T’enjailler’; which was one of the most aired urban music videos from Cameroon at the international level.

This was proof of his impact on Cameroon’s urban music scene when he was nominated to the Cameroon Academy Awards 2013 as Best Male Urban Artist of the Year. Numerica who has since been labeled as ‘Cameroon’s Super Entertainer’ has also maintained his game in the music industry with his numerous hits including the latest, ‘Kossa Moi Ca’.

Thanks very much for agreeing to talk to us.

Q: Why the name Numerica?

A: The name Numerica just like that cuz I used to call my voice "la voix numérique”… my voice looks like it is sooo autotuned when I sing … so I changed that numérique to “Numerica” when i started music professionally.

Q: Which part of the country does Numerica come from?

A: I come from the West Region, from Bafang.

Q: Why music? Why not movies, fashion etc?

A: I will say music and I met like a man meeting his wife in a train. I never planned to do this but I liked listening and dancing to it. I guess it is one of God’s moves he keeps doing in my life.

Q: When you set out to become a musician, did you think you will be where you are today?

A: I never planned to be known or anything like that. I was doing it just for leisure. Nothing serious but with time I understood it is not a playing matter ohh. Though I will say I am still no where today but I believe I will reach there in some years.

Q: You are one of the most talked about urban artistes in Cameroon. What is your secret?

A: ohh I didn’t know that. That is nice tho’. My secret is my TEAM. You can’t imagine the work and efforts behind all what makes people talk about me.

Q: Many fans try to compare you to Makossa Legend, Jean Pierre Essome. What do you think about that?

A: You can’t imagine how I like J.P Essome. I love his voice like I love mine too. I am pleased to know I can be compared to such a great musician. We all know his path concerning the Makossa music.

Q: We heard Numerica is dating one Miss Fese. How true is that? Engaged yet?

A: I see you guys hear well. Lol. Her name is Fese. And yeah am dating her and it is a serious relationship. But not yet engaged.

Q: What does Numeriac do when he is not singing or making music?

A: When I am not making music, I am at school, sleeping or in a restaurant somewhere (laughs)

Q: Your new Single, ‘Kossa Moi Ca’ is a huge hit. How did you succeed in getting Bana C4 on the track?

A: ohhhh Bana C4!! It is a long story. We knew each other via our videos on TV and spoke via the internet. Thanks to the internet which nowadays makes miracles some people can’t imagine.

Q: Do we expect any collabos with any Cameroonian artistes too? If Yes.which one/ones.

A: For the moment no Cameroonian artiste on the list. But if it happens…I believe God has written it.

Q: Did I say I like your fashion sense? Who inspires your dress sense and who dresses you?

A: No you forgot to mention you like the way I Most of the time I am dressed by eloli design which belongs to my Girlfriend; and sometimes by me. (Laughs).

Q: Do you have anything to tell your fans and other upcoming Cameroonian Urban artistes?

A: All I can tell my fans or other artistes is that education is important if you want to go far. Added to that you have to believe in your dreams, be confident, always pray, work and be patient. Everything will finish being on point.

Q: It was a pleasure talking to you Numerica.

A: Thanks for the interview #Bless
