Hospital Centre for Applied Research, Endoscopic Surgery and Human Reproduction (CHRACERH)
A 52-year old woman has been delivered of a baby girl at the Hospital Centre for Applied Research, Endoscopic Surgery and Human Reproduction (CHRACERH) in Yaounde.
The baby was born this 12th July 2016 at about ten am following a one-hour caesarian.
This baby is the woman’s second child after the first, born 30 years ago.
The baby girl is one of the three children recently born at CHRACERH, an initiative of Cameroon’s Head of State and his wife, to improve fertility and save the life of women and children.
CHRACERH’s foundation stone was laid in 1999 and the centre was inaugurated on 6th May 2016.
It has six operation rooms, six labour and delivery rooms and a staff strength of 350 workers.